'THE DYING OF THE LIGHT': a Cinematic Short Film by Tommy Rowe

Cinematic Short Film

‘The Dying Of The Light’: Ottery St Mary Tar Barrels

I’m currently working with the teams at Atomos and LUMIX again, this time on a project for the brand new LUMIX BS1H.

Last Friday, I decided to head along to the famous Ottery St Mary Tar Barrels event in Devon, UK. The tradition has been observed for many hundreds of years, and involves locals setting barrels of tar alight and parading them through the town. It’s genuinely something that needs to be seen to be believed! The exact origins of the event are unknown, however it is likely to have began around the gunpowder plot of 1605. Pretty interesting stuff, and totally awesome that the locals continue the tradition to this day, every year, on Guy Fawkes Night. Gotta love the Westcountry!

So this year I decided to take the BS1H along with me, in preparation for the upcoming project, to get to know the camera a bit and test out the rig I’ve built. It was also a great opportunity to put the camera through its paces, and test its performance in low light. Pretty impressive stuff, I must say!

I ended up coming away with some pretty awesome footage, so I decided to put together this little short film of the event. It would be rude not to.

I hope you like it!