So I went to see the new IT Movie at the cinema a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a great remake of the Stephen King classic. I enjoyed it so much in fact, that I decided to produce a very quick and simple tribute for halloween which was just around the corner. Having bought and paid for a pretty terrifyingly accurate Pennywise costume, as well as some iconic red balloons, I enlisted the help of a close friend who has two young lads. The Bishop family were great sports and little Joey, at the grand age of two years old, was absolutely fantastic. It's quite incredible that he was able to take so much direction at such a young age. Well done Joey! Perhaps he's found his future career already!? With his yellow raincoat, he was the perfect stand in for the movie character Georgie.
So here's the finished video. I really enjoyed making it so I hope you enjoy watching. Happy Halloween to you all!